?FandangoNOW? Movie Watch The Shawshank Redemption

The Shawshank Redemption ?FandangoNOW?



Abstract: After the murder of his wife, hotshot banker Andrew Dufresne is sent to Shawshank Prison, where the usual unpleasantness occurs. Over the years, he retains hope and eventually gains the respect of his fellow inmates, especially longtime convict "Red" Redding, a black marketeer, and becomes influential within the prison. Eventually, Andrew achieves his ends on his own terms; writed by: Frank Darabont; Country: USA; Average Rating: 9,3 / 10 stars; casts: Morgan Freeman; 1994






I don"t think I"ve ever watched this movie until recently, I"ve only ever heard of it from Family Guy making fun of it. This was probably my favorite scene where the Warden and that jailor get theirs. It"s a really good movie, which any movie Morgan Freeman is in is usually good.

That scene of Tim raising his arms to the the emotional release for the need that, by the time that scene rolled around. 13:56 best song ever. 3:25 Cleveland - Crap. This scene is brilliant. Morgan Freeman summing up his hearing for release beautifully. No more rehearsed speeches. This time he tells it as it is. What he did. How sorry he was he did it. But he is fed up of being shit on by these men. Do whatever you want is basically his attitude and it is enough to convince them this man is ready for a life outside the walls of Shawshank prison. He has served his time and deserves his freedom now. I don"t guess Frodo was wearing his Mithril when he got stung by the spider.

I would"ve thought in the 20 years of digging Andy would"ve asked Red to get him another rock hammer. Either to use two hands, or to have it sharper. That bit with the Friends song is just too much. 1:56 one of the best family guy jokes ever. 2:26 I ain"t gonna count to 3. I"m not even gonna count to 1! You STFU or I"ll sing you a lullaby! LMAO ?? THAT VIDEO LAUGHS MY ASS OFF.

Have you learned nothing of the stubborness of Dwarves? Legolas 1:20:41

The Shawshank redemption should be played throughout the world in all schools to teach people the hard life of prison but the bond between friends and the idea of hope. Morgan freeman is a second to none actor he lays the role perfectly and i could not think what the film would be like without him. all the other actors perform perfectly. this movie is a movie of inspiration and one of which will get people through harsh times. this film always restores my faith in mankind i simply love it. I first saw this film sitting on my brothers desk and i was intrigued by the idea of a film set in prison where hope and other morale values were the storyline instead of violence and havoc, this is a amazing film which brings pride to the actors and crew who produced it. the setting of the movie is one of perfection the Gothic grounds and the stunning facilities astound me i"am finding it hard to put in to words how much this film means to me i would say it is one of the greatest film"s ever made in my time and i love it.

2:00 - 2:15 What it feels like to escape elo hell in Overwatch. Just gonna 17:10. 3:25 idk why i anticipate a mr. krabs laugh when he finishes warning the prisoners. Jared Fogle first night in prison. Its amazing acting even though he says he doesnt give a shit he still looks away from the group and seems like he wants to cry. Great movie. The only guilty man in Shawshank. How he waits to start hitting the pipe with the claps in the theme had me laughing until I cried. Me: in prison, at a parole hearing Man: Do you feel you"ve been rehabilitated? Me: Do you want to hear a simple yes, or would you rather hear Morgan Freeman"s Shawshank Redemption speech.

I was just here for 1:53. Great Trilogy. 20th: Sit (Talking to Red like he"s a dog. The parole board sees him as a savage and undisciplined animal) 30th: Sit Down (Talking to Red like he"s a misbehaving kid. The parole board sees him as a stupid little black punk) 40th: Please, sit down (Talking to Red like he"s a client. The parole board sees him as a gentleman) EDITED) Notice how Red sits down in each parole hearing. In the 20th one, he sits down quickly, because he"s excited to know that he"s getting out soon, only to be denied. Okay, no worries, because in the 30th one, he sits down again, although a little bit more time to do so, since he"s thinking, Okay I"ll give this one more try. By the time he gets to the 40th one, notice how Red sits down slowly and tiresomely. At that point, he doesn"t want to leave, mostly because he"s sick and tired of being denied, and because he got used to living life behind bars; Shawshank Prison is still his home and he doesn"t want to leave it.

4-yr-old cousin: “Look at my Elsa doll!” Me: 3:59


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